The numbers behind our incredible members
Equestrian WA’s member survey has revealed some fascinating insights into the people and stories behind our sport.
Primarily, EWA conducted the survey to better understand how our members feel about the value their membership offers and gather ideas as to how we might improve the membership experience moving forward.
The survey was also a fantastic opportunity to learn more about who our members are and where they come from across our vast state.
Nearly 300 members participated in the survey, showing that our members care about Equestrian WA and are passionate about our organisation and our future direction.
The numbers also painted a broad picture when it comes to some of the key demographics of our members.
Excitingly, our members come from a diverse age base, with people as young as single digit ages, right up to people who are over 65. The statistics re-iterate that equestrian truly is a sport for all ages.
Nearly 95% of our members are female, compared to 5% who are males. Slightly over one-third of our members are competitors, with participants making up nearly a quarter of our membership.
The survey also revealed that almost 40% of our members live in regional areas of Western Australia. The majority of these members come from Peel and the South West, but we also have a significant portion of members in the Wheatbelt and Great Southern.
Dressage is the most popular sport in terms of participation, followed by Jumping, Eventing, Adult Riding and Show Horse. Nearly half of our members also participated in other aspects of equestrian sport such as coaching, judging, committees and volunteering.
Over one-third of our members attend competitions and events as either a competitor or participant on a monthly basis, while just under 20% of members compete or participate fortnightly.
Just over a quarter of our members attend events or competitions as a spectator on a monthly basis, with around 10% attending fortnightly.
Equestrian WA wishes to thank our members for participating in the survey. Their insights are of tremendous value for our organisation and will guide us in our work moving forward. Our members are our most important asset, and without them, our organisation wouldn’t exist.
We look forward to conducting the survey again later in the year. Further details surrounding this will be provided closer to the date.
By continuing to work together with our members, we will be taking giant strides to achieving something that we all desire - leaving a legacy to ensure that equestrian thrives as a sport in Western Australia for generations to come.
To view some of the key statistics and data in the form of infographics, visit the link below: