SEC Levy


EWA is striving to maintain the State Equestrian Centre as a first-class facility for the WA Equestrian community to enjoy. Currently, EWA receives no external funding on a recurrent basis to support the maintenance and development of the centre. EWA has a good relationship with the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (DLGSCI) and has been successful over the years in receiving capital works funding for the SEC which has allowed for both capital improvements and major repairs. While this has been essential for the SEC to remain fit for purpose, most of the centre's maintenance and upgrades are still funded by EWA. The SEC Facility Levy was introduced in 2017 to create a "user pays" system to reduce the need for EWA members to indirectly subsidise those who frequently use the facility.


Paying the Levy

  • The Facility Levy is only applicable to events. Patrons visiting the centre for private arena bookings, private cross-country bookings, stables/camping, trail riding or clinics are not required to pay the Levy.
  • Event organisers that hire the SEC will be required to collect the Facility Levies and Ground Service Fees (GSF) with the entries to their event.
  • All event participants will need to be charged a $15.00 per horse per day Facility Levy.
  • Non-EWA members will also need to be charged a $20 per horse per day Ground Service Fee (GSF) in addition to the Facility Levy. 

Example: 1 EWA Competitor with 1 Horse

Competing Saturday and Sunday:
$15.00 Saturday Levy + $15.00 Sunday Levy = $30

Total levies/fees to be collected by the event organiser = $30


Example: 1 Non-EWA Competitor with 2 Horses

Horse 1 - Competing Saturday only:
$15.00 Saturday Levy + $20 Saturday GSF = $35

Horse 2 - Competing Saturday and Sunday:
$15.00 Saturday Levy + $20 Saturday GSF + $15.00 Sunday Levy + $20 Sunday GSF = $70

Total levies/fees to be collected by the event organiser = $105



The projects complete using Facility Levy funds will be identified to the members as they are planned and completed. EWA will be liaising with clubs, competitors and EWA members to identify other areas that can be included on the project list for the Levy to be allocated to. If you would like to put forward a suggestion for consideration please email

Project Planned Date of Completion
New doors on the three International Arena judges boxes Completed
New door on the Stable Office Completed
New door on the Cafe kitchen storeroom Completed
New portable dressage arena and dressage letters Completed
New jump set and jump numbers Completed
New manure bunker in stable area Completed
New radio microphones and a wireless headset for the Indoor Arena Completed
Replacement of hot water system in Colts shower block Completed
Replacement of hot water system in Fillies shower block Completed
New flowerboxes and dressage letters for the International Arena Completed
New entrance gates to Brigadoon bridle trails Completed
Redevelopment of bridle trail entrance Completed
Replacement of flood-damaged perimeter fencing on cross country course Completed



Facilities Coordinator
M: 0418 810 933