NEWS > General
Posted by Equestrian Western Australia on 27/05/2016.

EA ICDF Applications Open

The International Competition and Development Fund (ICDF) supports projects and events that either clearly fall into the “international competition” category or can be demonstrated to further the “development” of the sport in general or a particular discipline. “Development” predominantly denotes workshops and seminars for the training of judges and officials, and other activities carried out for the development of competencies, including opportunities for skill practice (competitions and events). 

Applications require endorsement of the Chair of the respective National Discipline Committee before they are considered by the ICDF Committee. Such endorsement must be included with the submitted application. You will find email contact details for each National Discipline Committee Chair on the final page of the application form (available below). 

Branch endorsement is also desirable.  If applications come directly from bodies other than EA Branches or Branch Committees/Councils, the National Office may ask the Branch for endorsement in principle.

Applications and supporting material should be sent to: [email protected] in electronic format wherever possible enabling efficient processing and response.  Mailed applications must be sent to the EA National Office, PO Box 673, SYDNEY MARKETS, NSW, 2129.

Incomplete applications will not be considered.  Applications for funding must be made by COB Wednesday 8 June 2016 for events/projects taking place in the financial year (1 July 2016 – 30 June 2017).

Application form


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