Board Director Position Vacant
POSITION TITLE: Appointed Director to the EWA Board
TENURE: Appointment shall be for 12 months or until the end of the Annual Elections subsequent to their appointment, and shall be eligible for re-appointment.
Appointed Directors do not have to be financial Members of EWA.
REMUNERATION: No fees or expenses paid
The Equestrian Western Australia (EWA) Board’s role is to set and monitor the implementation of the organisation’s strategic direction and establish and monitor the achievement of management goals. Board Directors are selected on merit and are responsible for assisting and supporting the Chair in the effective strategic leadership and good governance of the organisation.
EWA Limited is a not for profit organisation, established in 1985. EWA is the state sporting organisation for horse sports in WA. It also proudly manages the State Equestrian Centre (SEC) since it was built for EWA Members and the broader Equestrian community in 1985. EWA is administered by a Board of Directors, a team of administration staff and committees for the sports of Dressage, Eventing, Jumping, Show Horse, Vaulting and Coaching Committee. The EWA Board implements policies and governs the sport including the State Equestrian Centre in Brigadoon, the committees develop and administer the technical aspects of their respective sports, and the EWA office staff provide administrative support.
The appointed director will have responsibility for the following functions and relationships:
1. Strategic planning and governance
Together with the Chair:
• ensure the delivery of outcomes for industry through strategic and operational plans
• ensure all legal and governance requirements are followed
• periodically evaluate the performance of the Board as a whole and individually
2. Effective management
• Ensure the management of the affairs of the organisation, in accordance with current Corporations Law and the organisation constitution
• Review, approve and monitor the business plan and annual budget
• Monitor risks facing the organisation
• Monitor and ensure achievement of strategic and operational plans
• Contribute to the development of board and organisational policies
• Manage CEO performance
3. Meeting participation
Actively participate in meetings of the Board and other member meetings:
• Uphold and maintain ethical standards, including the Board’s policies
• Participate fully and productively in board and other member meetings
• Contribute to discussions in an open and constructive manner; acknowledging the benefit of differences of opinion to give clarity of issues and better decision making
4. Communication and representation
Collectively or individually in accordance with Board protocols, represent EWA in an open and inclusive manner to build networks and relationships:
• Attend forums and other events as a representative
• Engage with government, industry, members, and other stakeholders as required
Applicants must demonstrate knowledge in one or more of the following skillsets:
- Governance
- Finance and budgets
- Strategy
- Business management
- Communications
- Business development
Selection criteria
1. Strong strategic thinking ability – and expertise in the development and implementation of strategic plans
2. Good governance knowledge and experience – knowledge of and expertise in related government policy and formulation. Experience in the NFP sector desirable.
3. Strong leadership and management skills and experience - including financial management and budget expertise, business management, business development, leadership ability/experience, economic and trade expertise, reporting and performance management and evaluation expertise
4. Communications and representation skills – stakeholder engagement and management experience; understanding of industry organisations; effective networking and presentation skills,
5. Relevant tertiary qualifications, and Membership of the Australian Institute of Organisation Directors (desirable)
Personal Characteristics/Qualities; qualifications and experience:
• Excellent judgment and creative problem-solving skills including negotiation and conflict resolution skills
• Collaborative team player
• Self-reliant, effective problem solver and results-oriented
• Demonstrated ability to positively and productively impact both strategic and operational initiatives
Applicants are asked to provide the below information (no more than three pages):
- Name
- Address
- Email address
- Contact number
- Career details
- Demonstrated experience across one or more of the listed skill sets to support the skills that the applicant can offer to EWA.
If you have any questions, please contact CEO Dwight Pedlow
Via email [email protected] or phone 08 9296 1200
Applications should be submitted to [email protected] by Friday 30 June 2020 5 pm.