NEWS > General
Posted by Equestrian Western Australia on 21/05/2015.

Attention Show Horse Competitors!

Do you plan to compete at Horse of the Year?

The WA Show Horse Committee wishes to advise that the National Rule 5.4 pertaining to membership for the National Horse of the Year show is under review.

This rule is affecting three states at this stage who have their financial membership from January to December in each year. The review is taking place at a national level. This rule is not new. It was found last year that a large number of competitiors who had qualified and entered the National HOY competition were not financial members in their state.

Please be aware that all competitors must be current EWA members before gaining points for HOY WA. In WA, the membership period is from the 1st January to 31st December. All horses must also be registered and hold a current Show Horse Licence (aka. Show Horse Card). Points cannot be gained before the licence is validated.

Points and membership status will be checked for all entries submitted for 2015 HOTY WA.

We will advise all members of the outcome of the review.

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