Red Alfred, a retired racehorse turned versatile performer known affectionately as Jax, has flourished under owner Semoane Brown since 2014. Transitioning from racing to various disciplines, their successes have been notable. In 2014, they secured a top-five finish at the Pinjarra All Breed Spectacular, followed by winning Champion Ridden Thoroughbred Gelding at the Gosnells Summer Show Offs in 2015.
Their eventing journey saw triumphs such as first place in the 80cm class at the 2017 Wallangarra HPC ODE, second in the EvA 80 class at Alcoa CCN 2017, and first in the 95cm class at the Off the Track WA 2018 Showman. Noteworthy achievements include fifth place at the Gidgegannup CCN 2019 and 14th at the Wooroloo CCI in the EvA95 category. Additionally, they secured sixth place in the 105cm class at the 2019 Eventing Grand Prix at Brigadoon.
Jax and Semoane's bond continues to yield remarkable results, showcasing their versatility and skill across diverse equestrian arenas. Their journey reflects dedication and talent, with anticipation for further accomplishments ahead.
In 2023, they attained notable placements, securing 5th place in the EvA95 Gidgegannup CCN. With an impressive track record, their continued success in various equestrian disciplines is eagerly anticipated.
We eagerly anticipate updates on their 2024 endeavours.
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