2021 EWA Board, Sport and Coaching committee nomination and election update
2021 EWA Board, Sport and Coaching committee nomination and election update
Following the request for nominations for directors and committee members for the EWA Board, Sport and Coaching committees sufficient nominations have been received to hold election for the EWA Board and Coaching committee.
All EWA members eligible to vote will receive information for both the EWA Board and Coaching committee elections within two weeks. EWA members eligible to vote for the EWA Board and the EWA Coaching committees are Competitive Senior, Participant Senior, Supporter Official, Supporter Coach/Owner/Other and Adult riding members. To be eligible to vote you must 18+ years of age.
EWA Board
Three nominations were received for the two (2) elected director’s positions, therefore an election will be held for the EWA Board of directors. The nominees are:
Anne Avery
Rory Hovell
Anne Wilkins
Coaching WA Committee
Three nominations were received for the two (2) elected committee positions, therefore an election will be held for the EWA Coaching committee. The nominees are:
Wendy Barker
Rebecca Thomas
Liesl Wilding
Dressage WA Committee
There was one (1) nomination for the two vacancies for Elected Committee Member EWA Dressage committee therefore no election is required for the EWA Dressage Committee Elected Member position.
The successful candidate for the EWA Dressage committee is Stephanie Munro (2021 – 2023).
There were no nominations for the two (2) Elected Affiliate Representative Member position (2021 – 2023) therefore these positions are vacant.
Eventing WA Committee
There was one (1) nomination for the 2 (two) Elected Committee Member EWA Eventing committee therefore no election is required for the EWA Eventing Committee Elected Member position.
The successful candidate for the EWA Eventing committee is Kerrie Robbins (2021 – 2023) with one position remaining vacant.
There was one (1) nomination for the one (1) Elected Affiliate Representative Member position therefore no election is required for the EWA Eventing Affiliate representative.
The successful candidate for the EWA Eventing Affiliate representative is Philippa Collier (2021 – 2023).
Jumping WA Committee
There were no nominations for the two (2) Affiliate Representative Member positions therefore these positions are vacant.
Show Horse WA Committee
There were two (2) nominations for Elected Committee Member EWA Show Horse committee therefore no election is required for the EWA Show Horse Committee Elected Member position.
The successful candidates for the EWA Show Horse committee are Janelle Karmelich (2021 – 2023).and Kerry Wilson (2021 – 2023)
There were two (2) nominations for Elected Affiliate Representative Member position (2021 – 2023) therefore no election is required for the EWA Show Horse Committee Affiliate representative position
The successful candidates for the EWA Show Horse Affiliate representatives are Jane Fisher (2021 – 2023).and Marlene Kinder (2021 – 2023)