NEWS > General
Posted by Marketing on 23/05/2024.

Naval Base Horse Beach Community Survey

Westport is seeking to hear from any horse-riding enthusists who use the Naval Base Horse Beach in Kwinana.

Westport's preferred concept for the new port facilities is between the end of Barter and Mason Roads in Kwinana, removing access to the Naval Base hore beach. They have a community survey currently open as part of their early engagement about what this will mean for the horse beach community and what we need to condiser as planning progresses.

Naval Base Horse Beach Community Survey | My Say Transport

This survey will close the 31st May 2024 with the possibility to extent the close time dependant on influx. 

Further information can be found at My Say Transport:


Wan't to learn more? 
On 20 March 2024, Westport hosted an online webinar to share information about the impact to the Naval Base horse beach. This included a presentation by Westport's Managing Director, followed by an audience Q&A. The recording is available to anyone interested, please watch here. 

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