Equestrian WA's Principal Partner, Off the Track WA have announced the OTTWA Community Fund.
Horse-based education and therapy projects stand to benefit from the new Off the Track WA Community Fund.
In launching the funding program, Racing and Wagering Western Australia Head of Animal Wellbeing Anna Smet said it was open to a range of learning and wellbeing projects where off the track horses were involved.
“We are delighted to be able to provide funding to organisations and people with projects in mind utilising retired racehorses,” Anna said.
“Horses commonly move from racing into equestrian pursuits, where Off the Track WA sponsorships and education clinics are available to help. Now we’d like to bring a stronger focus to non-riding activities and new ideas for engaging the various talents and abilities of former racehorses.
“We welcome proposals from equine therapy projects or assisted learning programs which benefit students through engagement with horses in ways other than riding.
“The Off the Track WA Community Fund will provide funding to deliver projects which align with our commitment to support horses in their transition beyond racing.
“What we’re looking for are projects which aim to make a significant impact on education and wellbeing outcomes for participants or horses.”
Groups or organisations with plans for more than one project can submit multiple applications to the Off the Track WA Community Fund, with a separate application for each project and a 12-month time frame to complete them.
Follow-up projects will also be considered, such as a learning program which runs term by term to benefit a school.
Funding applications are open until 31 March 2023 and further information along with application forms are available by contacting the Animal Welfare team at [email protected]. An online fact sheet and form are also here.