NCAS CE and SSTA Update Seminar
The recent very successful EA NCAS Coach Educator and Skills Specific Trainer and Assessor Update Seminar was held at the State Equestrian Centre on Tuesday 14 and Wednesday June.
The Presenters were Sandra Pearson-Adams from NSW (EA Level 3 General Coach Educator) and EWA NCAS Committee Person Philippa Collier (EA Level 2 General Coach Educator). Philippa is also a member of the National NCAS Committee and gave those present an update on the current changes to updating for coaches.
Sandra gave a very comprehensive coverage of risk management and what policy amounts coaches were covered for in their insurance, when it is necessary to have a waiver signed, the changes to senior First Aid and CPR and also the importance of coaching within the level that they have been accredited for.
A very interesting and educational session was given by the Milne Feeds Equine Nutrition Advisor Michelle Meylan. The presentation focussed on equine exercise physiology and the science of monitoring and accessing training intensity, based on heart rate monitoring. Also covered was the process of aerobic and anaerobic energy conversion to create the muscle contraction required for exercise.
On Wednesday those present relocated to the stable area for the practical aspects of Horse Management and then back to the indoor arena for assessing Intro and Level 1 riding standards, followed by what is expected from coaches of various level. The EWA NCAS committee is extremely grateful to all those people who brought their horses and were demo riders.
Apart from attending these Updates to maintain coaching accreditation, these seminars are vitally important for coaches to ask any questions they may have and to keep up to date with what is happening in the National Coaching Accreditation Scheme.
Special thanks to the NCAS Registrar Jennine Thomasson and panel member Phillipa Collier who were the main organizers of the Seminar.
Left to right: Sandra Pearson-Adams, Phillipa Collier, Jennine Thomasson, Michelle Meylan