Minister of Sport Richard Colbeck visits the State Equestrian Centre
On Sunday, the State Equestrian Centre in Brigadoon received an important visit from the Federal Minister of Sport, the Hon Richard Colbeck and West Australian MP, the Hon Ken Wyatt.
The State Equestrian Centre (SEC) has been the home of equestrian sports in WA for 35 years and has played an essential role for WA riders competing on the national and international stage. It hosted World Cups and competitions at the highest levels for riders across the country in its glory days.
Much of the 72 Hectare site infrastructure is coming to its end of life and is in desperate need of significant redevelopment. Equestrian Western Australia (EWA) had managed the facility for 35 years, but with the SEC being recognised as a State Level facility, the site falls out of the usual funding matrix.
“The EWA board and our wider equestrian community feel that it will not be in the public interest to see the venue close permanently.”
The Federal Minister agreed, noting that the venue has played an integral role in developing multiple West Australian Olympians and Paralympians. Senator Colbeck watched potential future stars of the sport as the EWA Rising Stars State Squad were at the venue undertaking their last major clinic for the season.
The EWA Board has put together a Redevelopment Proposal, which will see the entire facility upgraded to meet the user expectations, welfare requirements for the sport, and sustainability expectations. Upgrading the now out-of-code electrical system alone is budgeted to cost $750,000.
The Mayor, Mr Bailey and Cr Rod Henderson were also at the meeting to show their support for the Redevelopment Proposal and the SEC in general.
Cr Henderson shared with the Senator the importance of the venue to the broader Swan Valley precinct and its potential to play an even more significant part in Swan Valley Tourism as a more widely promoted attraction.
EWA CEO Dwight Pedlow says: “We started lobbying for the required funding in 2018, and we’re still working towards the goal of saving the SEC for all our equestrian community here in WA. We have our highest membership numbers for years, and the sport is growing.”
“Our goal is to secure the site for the future of all equestrian sports in WA and bring it back to its former glory as a world-class competition venue and destination. We desperately need confirmation from either the State Government or the Federal Government of funding for this redevelopment.”
For a sport that sees riders compete from the youngest ages as children to Australian Olympic Medal-winning rider Andrew Hoy, who is still on top of the world as a competitive event rider at age 62, the State Equestrian Centre is vital to the future of the sport in WA.