Flooding Causes Damage to SEC Course
The recent rain and flooding in the Swan Valley has caused substantial damage to the State Equestrian Centre’s cross country course and nearby yards.
The first priority is to repair the course for the WAYER CIC*** and CCI*/** scheduled for 31st March- 2nd April. The Organisers are hopeful that the event will be able to go ahead, however a decision will be made in approximately 10 days as to whether the course is useable. WAYER has the possibility of using another course if the SEC is not safe with the biggest concern being the welfare of the horse and rider.
The damage to the course includes many of the transportable fences, with some floating to new locations or losing rails. With many still sitting in deep water, it is difficult to know how much damage has been done to these.
The yards near the Pony Club/ Polocrosse sheds had more than 2 meters of water flowing over them and require a new base and removal of large amounts of mud and silt.
EWA, WAYER, EPWA and Eventing WA are calling for volunteers to assist in the rebuild and clean up. General workers are required to assist in cleaning debris, and skilled workers are required for machinery-use (skid steer, flat back trucks, chain saws) and fence building. The timing of the rebuild is yet too finalised as water levels are still high.
If you can help please contact EWA Reception on 9296 1200 or [email protected] and advise of the support you can provide along with if you are available on weekends or weekdays.
Immediate help is needed from a surveyor to help monitor water levels on the course. Please contact Phil Wood on 0413 829 991 if you are able to help with this.
EWA will continue liaising with the City of Swan, SES and DSR. The City of Swan has offered assistance in the cleanup that is still being finalised.
We would like to remind everyone that the Swan Fields area including the Cross Country course will remain closed to everyone until further notice.