Equestrian's future stars shine at the SEC despite gloomy winter weather
Perth's winter weather was in full force but that didn't stop our state's future equestrian stars from shining as our third Rising Stars clinic of the year was held at the State Equestrian Centre this week.
The Rising Stars program works closely with around 30 of WA's best young equestrian talent to provide a structured pathway for young riders aspiring to reach the ranks of a High Performance Squad and potentially national selection in the future.
The emphasis of Rising Stars is not only on furthering riding talents in dressage, jumping and cross country, but also providing all round education in all aspects of equestrian sports such as organisational skills, sports psychology, horse management, personal health, exercise, diet and fitness regimes.
This particular clinic also featured an opportunity for riders to attend a Behind the Scenes Tour of Ascot Rcecourse, providing the chance to watch horses at work, chat to trainers and tour the stables and training room.
On behalf of Rising Stars, our sincere appreciation to our coaches Leisl Wilding, Kellie-Ann Crowe, Deborah Spencer, Dwight Pedlow, Emily Gray and Shaun Dillon for their incredible work with our riders and helping to shape future of equestrian sport in WA.
EWA would like to thank Maitland Park and Careers in Racing for their generous ongoing sponsorship which allows us to continue the journey for our talented athletes in further developing their skills in riding and horse management.
More information on the next clinic to be held in September will be provided soon.
Pictured: Rising Stars squad member Mia DiCandilo with Bailey at this week's clinic.