Dressage News

Despite appalling rain and wet arenas on Day 1, the SIEC arena surfaces were reportedly extremely good and gave all horses a great footing to work off. Day 2 was cloudy...

Equestrian WA is calling for expressions of interest from riders who wish to be considered as WA State Team members in the CCI 2* Young Rider Championship at 2015 Adelaide...

The volunteer committee of Dressage Queensland are very keen for feedback from members about the current Participation category of membership to provide more substantial...

Para Dressage High Performance Clinic
Last week was a very exciting week for WA Para Equestrians.
On Wednesday the first High Performance mounted clinic was held at the...

WA Young Rider Ian Smith had a very successful weekend on his lovely stallion Dornkaart at the Saddleworld Dressage Festival 11 – 14 December at Werribee Park National...

The Australian Dressage Committee (ADC) invites all prominent dressage event organisers to apply to host the 2015 and 2016 Australian Dressage Championships.
Based on...