Dressage Judge Workshop Recap!
Lets take a look back at Dressage WA's G/F seminar that the Dressage Judges Taskforce ran on the 23rd April with EA Dressage Judge Educator, A level Judge Virginia Creed , Victoria.
Many thanks to the organisation both Elaine Greene Chair DJTF and Georgina Marchesi Secretary DJTF contributed to a day full of education, questions and training.
The seminar was an introduction to EA dressage judging as well as an upgrading/maintenance and returning judges opportunity to build on their skills with key focus exploring Preliminary and Novice test levels. The directives and requirements of each test level was outlined in this training which saw a stagering 22 people in attendence.
The afternoon saw participants take to the stage when asked to put into action their training with the use of a simulated dressage competition by way of judging or writing for another judge.
Virginia made sure there was plenty of time for open discussion, participants were encouraged to ask questions and give feedback.
We thank Virginia and our generous demo riders who made this such a successful day.
Join us for our next DJFT Seminar were we will be focusing on Elementary and Medium levels at our EA E/D Seminar presented by Gill Botten, EA A Level Judge. This eminar will cover in depth lateral work and single flying change test requirements. This is open to all judges, riders, coaches and supporters.
Check out our event information below:
Saturday 3rd June 2023
State Equestrian Centre, Brigadoon WA
Free - EA Judges ONLY
$20 - Non Judge
To register your attendence please visit Trybookings.com or via this link: