Swan Valley Planning Act Review
Date: 31 July 2018, 7:00pm-9:00pm
Location: State Equestrian Centre, Brigadoon WA
Cost: Free
Register: RSVP to 92961200 before 27th July 2018 as space may be limited
Join us for a coffee, some party pies and a discussion about the Swan Valley Act review and what it means for the local Equestrian community. Bring a pen and notepad to get the details and make a submission.
Changes to Water availability and Planning are being proposed. Comments on the Kobelke Review close Thursday 30 August 2018.
Read the document before attending: https://www.planning.wa.gov.au/swan-valley-planning-review.aspx
Cr. Rod Henderson, Swan Valley Gidgegannup Ward Councillor, will present overall key issues for residents to consider. Mr. Barkley Day, BD Water Services, will speak on Equine water use in the Valley.