WA Riders go International at the Land Rover Horse of the Year (NZ)
Western Australian riders have once again illuminated the international equestrian scene with their remarkable performances at the Land Rover Horse of the Year competition.
In the CCI4*-S Senior Team, Kenya Wilson secured her 9th place in Dressage and a commendable 6th overall.
In the CCI3*-S Young Rider Team, Olivia Shore's captivating display earned her 1st in Dressage and a solid 10th overall, while Mackenzie Walch's consistent performance landed her 13th in Dressage and an impressive 5th overall. Additionally, Olivia Shore's poise and presentation skills were recognised with the prestigious title of 'Best Presented'.
These achievements not only highlight the exceptional talent within Western Australia's equestrian community but also serve as an inspiration to riders worldwide. Let us extend our warmest congratulations to Kenya Wilson, Olivia Shore, and Mackenzie Walch for their outstanding accomplishments.
Of course, we must also recognise and applaud Team Australia and all participants whose passion and sportsmanship have enriched this event.
For full event results visit https://www.evoevents.co.nz/resultClass/2135886027/802/6